We recently implemented a Valentine's Day Kissing Booth for One Direction on our new and updated Facebook Photo Booth application. Features include:
- Note: Also see Application Spotlight (with screenshots)...
- Ability to upload photos or use webcam
- Optional support to use photos from a user's existing Facebook photo album
- Comprehensive photo editor with ability to rotate, position and scale the photo or logo layer
- Advanced photo editing features with ability to control brightness, contrast, hue, background color and other aspects of the photo
- Photo gallery with navigation ability (pagination, filtering by most recent or most popular)
- Management console that allows clients to moderate photos, as well as a whole suite of moderation features including white and black listing and various automated controls
- Analytics and stats including support for Google analytics and third party tracking
- Ability to publish photos directly into a user's Facebook photo album
- Sharing capabilities on Facebook and other social networks (Twitter, i.e.)
- Optional My Photos gallery that lets users view and share their own photos
- Voting capabilities and ability to sort by most recent or most popular photos
- Ability to integrate with other Metablocks Facebook applications including custom sweepstakes and badge applications
Lastest 7 Posts in Facebook Category
- Musically Sandbox: Filter Tips / Instagram Filters
- Lionel Richie Mother's Day E-Card
- CB30 Valentine's Day Card
- Lady Antebellum HeartBreak Sweeps
- Metablocks Widgets - Facebook Tab Support
- Application: Mayer Hawthorne's Picture Time (Tag Yourself If you Were There!)
- Resource: Facebook Image Dimensions Cheat Sheet