We are always being asked by clients about apps. Mostly apps we’ve built but sometime other apps our clients have seen and have been inspired by. Once such application is the Neil Young American Instagram Map app. This application that lives on the Neil Young website, encourages fans to share photos via Instagram (with their location) and then adds them to a map of America. Its definately an interesting and eye catching concept, and one that inspired us to develop our #HashTagMap project. Like many things we do, the #HashTagMap builds on the basic idea of #NeilYoungAmericana, and tries to add more utility and functionality to the concept. For example, while #NeilYoungAmericana relies on Instagram, we found clients wanted to support a broader range of photo inputs including Twitter, Texting (SMS) and even direct uploads. Other clients wanted to integrate events directly into the map, to help promote ticket sales. Some wanted social sharing capabilities via Facebook and Twitter. You are interested in beta testing #HashTagMap, send us an email or give us a call.