We do a lot of album and exclusive content reveals for music artists. We recently discussed the rise in content-gating as an effective mechanism to grow artists' social media presence. Specially developed for WBR Nashville band Dan+Shay, this particular application takes the reveal process to the next level. The Album Name, Track List and Cover Reveal apps maximize fan engagement by slowly revealing the content (in this case the album title, one letter at a time) as fans connect with and 'like' the band on Facebook. Using this app, fans are encouraged to guess the title as more and more letters are revealed (see animation below - Reveal Process). Once the application has garnered enough likes, the album cover and track list are also revealed. You can check it out at: http://www.tweematic.com/danshay or http://www.danandshay.com/newalbum
Additionally the application uses our meta-connect engine that allows music labels and brands to aggregate fan information for uses in email marketing and Facebook notification campaigns.
Connect Page
Reveal Process
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