Go back in time with the Family Force 5 Glow in the Dark 80's themed photo booth! A lot of our photo booths use Flash to drag-and-drop artist-specific assets onto photos for fans to create unique images and covers. Our photo booth for Family Force 5 is no exception, and includes the 80's style shirts and hairstyles from the band members themselves, as well as plenty of logos and accessories! Fans can share their Glow in the Dark photos on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, as well as email and download the image. Photo booths go very well alongside sweepstakes and tour listings, and can also stand alone! You can check it out here: https://www.facebook.com/familyforce5/app_293838494121753
Main page
Fans can upload photos to the photo booth to customize them
Photo booth
Fans can add artist-specific assets to their photos using our customizable Flash-based drag-and-drop app
Share page
Once fans save their picture, they can share it on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest, and download or email it