Application Spotlight: GIPP Album Cover Photo Booth

Photo booths can be customized for any occasion (e-cards, memes, dress-up apps), and our latest is an album cover photo booth for GIPP and his new release, Shine Like Gold. Fans must upload or snap webcam photos, and can then resize, rotate, and place them to insert their face into GIPP's album cover. They can then share the image on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest, or download it for sharing on Instagram. Like most of our photo booth apps, a user-generated content wall is below, showing the newest fan uploads! We've also embedded GIPP's song from Soundcloud. You can check it out here:

(Note the web address; although we always support custom domains, subdomains, and embedded iframes, artists can also choose to host apps from our Tweematic servers)

Main page
Fans are greeted with the content wall, and can upload or take webcam photos to use the app


Photo booth screen
Once uploaded, fans can position, resize, rotate, flip, and edit (brightness, contrast, filters) their photo


Share page
After saving their image, they can share it on social media, and it is added to the content wall


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