Facebook Chatbot Review: CNN

Not every brand needs a bot and some need bots more than others.  CNN has a great brand and no technology or product launch should be lacking in brand support –  the Facebook chatbot announcement is no exception! The true value of Facebook's launch is that by “forcing” (or encouraging) brands to build bots –  they are giving us a glimpse at what these creatures can look like – this especially true with the CNN bot. 

Essentially the CNN Bot is a good example of no-frills, News Bot 101 that takes a “Subscribe First” approach to deliverying news content to users. For those unfamiliar with our terminology, by Subscribe First” we mean that the application assumes that the first thing a user wants to do is to subscribe to content or news updates.

NOTE: This post is part of an ongoing series on chatbot applications. You can subscribe to updates if you want to follow the entire series.

Below is a transcript of a conversation with the bot:




  • Allows users to subscribe to news topics (daily)
  • Allows users to search for news topics


  • Keyword based news headline delivery is intiuitive, probably would have made sense to start with that
  • Support for the HELP keyword


  • Assumes every user wants to subscribe to news updates and its not immediately obvious how to unsubscribe
  • Should start with a welcome message (see WSJ.com) of available options
  • Doesn't user personalization (user's name for example)
  • Minor: Functionality limited to only news, but then again…that's the only thing CNN does

Platform and Technology:

  • Unknown at this time

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