Facebook Chatbot Review: Sequel Stories

Sequel Stories is a very chatty story bot. Similar to Assist, Sequel provides a content messaging platform for enterprise customers. Their consumer bot showcases this technology. 

NOTE: This post is part of an ongoing series on chatbot applications. You can subscribe to updates if you want to follow the entire series.

What we like about Sequel Stories is that it demonstrate what a rich content interactive story-like experience can look like in Facebook Messenger, although they tended to be a little too fast moving for our taste.

Below is a transcript of a conversation with the bot:




  • Interactive stories delivered via text


  • Best practice: Provide clear user options at each step of the workflow, especially with interactive stories or text-based games.
  • Excellent example of the interactive story format
  • Good use of photos


  • Minor: Very fast moving and a bit chatty

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