We recently launched a phone hotline for Kiana Ledé that allowed fans to preview Kiana Ledé's "Mad at Me" and leave voicemail message for her, for a chance to have her hit them back on text! You can try it out by calling: 208-ARE-U-MAD ( 208-273-8623). Click here for more examples and info or view all voice/phone hotline related lists.

Over the years, we have powered countless voice/phone hotlines for artist that range from Justin Bieber, Taylor Swift, Tim McGraw, Bastille and many others (See Voice Hotline examples...). Our voice platform (powered by Twilio) is extremely flexible and most standard application have support for the following features and functionality:
- Interactive voice tree with support for unlimited number of options
- Ability to leave voicemail messages
- Ability to preview songs or special messages
- Ability for users to opt-in to get text messages from the label/artist
- Ability to send and receive text messages (during and after call)
- Ability to collect user information (email, birthdays, ie) via voice or text
- Ability to connect (anonymously) to artist
- Ability to artist to call or text fans anonymously
- Automatic voice message transcription
- Ability to view (transcribed), listen, download and save voice message
- Ability to view and respond to text messages
- Stats and analytics (calls by time period, state/country, geography, i.e.)
- SMS/Text engine supports any number of keywords with ability to deliver quizzes, games, photos, exclusive content and other interactive functionality
Other more advanced management, marketing and admin features and capabilities associated with the platform include:
- Ability to manage incoming calls (for example, in a situation were random fans are able to call in and connect directly with the artist)
- Ability to create custom or look-alike Facebook audiences using call data from a campaign
- Ability to record live calls (with Artist) for marketing purposes (with permission of caller or in states that permit such recordings)
- Integration with Spotify campaigns and functionality (Follow an artist before you can complete a call, i.e.)